Siriu Valley

Road number: DN1D

Route: Cislau - Nehoiu - Intorsura Buzaului - Prejmer

Length: 132 km

Road characteristics:
asphalt quality: very good in Covasna and Brasov county; good with some bumps Buzau county
landscape: hills, mountains
minimum altitude: 200 m
maximum altitude: 800 m
average speed: 70-90 km/h


Acess points: Din Brasov se intra pe DN11 catre Sf. Gheorghe apoi se intra pe DN1D catre Buzau
Din Buzau se intra pe DN1D catre Brasov
Din Valenii de Munte se intra pe DJ102B catre Cislau

Road description:
The road on Siriu Valley is one of the few roads that crosses the Carpathian Mountains from Transylvania to Muntenia and is one of the Carpathian passes with little traffic.
Starting from Buzau, the road becomes spectacular near Cislau. In this area the road starts climbing and there are more curves. After a few kilometers of winding road through the forest, the road becomes relatively straight and it passes through some villages.
After passing through Nehoiu town and 2 more villages, the Siriu dam apears in the background. The road starts climbing and after 2 hairpins we are at the Northern end on the dam. Here is a good place to stop and admire the landscape and the Siriu Lake.

From this point, the landscape changes because now we can see the mountains and the next 20 kilometers are superb. The first part of the 20 Km are following the left bank of the Siriu Lake with viaducts, a tunnel and some nice tight curves.
The asphalt is good, but there are some bumpy areas, some of them quite dangerous because you can't see them. After you enter Covasan County, the asphalt becomes very good and finally we can enjoy this superb scenery. The mountain road continues up to Intorsura Buzaului. After this town, we enter in the Brasov county and the lanscape becomes flat, and the road straight.
This road is a good alternative if you ride from Bucharest to Brasov via Cheia and you don't want to go back on the same route. A nice route for a 1 day trip can be: Bucharest - Ploiesti - Cheia - Sacele - Siriu Valley - Cislau - Valeni de Munte - Bucharest.


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