Bistrita Valley

Road number: DN15 / DN17B

Route: Bicaz - Lacul Bicaz - Chiril (Transrarau)

Length: 104km

Road characteristics:
asphalt quality: lots of potholes and very bumpy
landscape: hills, mountains
minimum altitude: 430 m
maximum altitude: 800 m
average speed: 70-90 km/h


Access points: From road DN16 coming from Piatra Neamt or from road DN12C coming from Gheorgheni through Bicaz Gorge,
From Bistrita on road DN17 towards Vatra Dornei then enter road DN17B

Road description: Bistrita Valley is one of the most beautiful roads in the country but sadly the quality of the paving is quite bad.

Segment 1 - average riding speed 50-60km/h:
Starting form Bicaz, the first few kilometers the road climbs up to the Bicaz dam. Then after crossing the dam, the road follows for 42 kilometers the bank of the Bicaz Lake up to Poiana Largului. The views towards the lake are superb and from time to time you can see the Ceahlau Mountains. The road has a lot of curves following the shape of the lake and there are a few small villages. Sadly the asphalt is awful, it;s very bumpy and in some areas the road is very deformed because of some land slides.

Segment 2 - average riding speed 50-60km/h:
After you pass the lake the road follows the Bistrita River. Immediately as you enter on road DN17B, and after you cross the bridge over the lake, there is a petrol station (Petrom), which is the only one on this route so you better stop for a refill.
Up to Chiril village there are 60 kilometers of great scenery but of very bad road. As you get closer to Vatra Dornei, the hills are replaced by mountains and soon you will be able to see the Rarau mountains and also the Pietrele Doamnei cliffs.


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